- Serving the humanity.
- To prepare the teacher capable of responding the global social demands and meeting the challenges in Education.
- To address the teaching learning process with ICT and value embedded education in the context of modernization and social change.
- To address to the ever emerging issues and problems of school and teacher education and discover the remedial measures.
- To ensure the contribution of all stakeholders in the all pervasive sustainable development of the society.
- To recognize, promote and develop the capabilities and universal values in the student teachers needed for cohesion and welfare of society and nation.
- To make aware, inspire and enable the student teachers to integrate the ICT with ancient Indian educational philosophy for a quality academic environment.
- To stimulate, educate and enable the student teachers for excellence in teaching, learning, research and innovation.
- To develop attitude, competence and core skills essential to teaching learning process among the student teacher
- To encourage the students teachers to derive an everlasting capacity of realizing and executing their roles and responsibilities in learning holistic development.
- To provide an enthusiastic, motivating, inspiring and equally accessible teaching – learning environment, conductive to the professional growth of teacher education and student teacher.
To become the centre of academic excellence in the area of teacher Education programme by providing quality teacher Education programme at par with the national and international standards to the rural youth inculcating in them our culture, heritage and values along with complete education.